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Friday, 6 September 2019

Lily In The Valley Lyrics

(VIP Mass Choir)
Lily In The Valley

There is a lily in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
There is a lily in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
There is a lily in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
Amen, amen, amen

Joy it is in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
Somebody found joy in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
Somebody found joy in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
Amen, amen, amen

Somebody found love in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
Somebody found love in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
Somebody found in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
Amen, amen, amen

Somebody found peace in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
Somebody found peace in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
Somebody found peace in the valley __in the valley __
Bright as the morning star
Amen, amen, amen

Somebody found God __in the valley __
Somebody found deliverance __in the valley __
Somebody found peace __in the valley __
Somebody found joy __in the valley __
Somebody found love this evening __in the valley __
Somebody found hope this evening __in the valley __
In the valley  __in the valley __
In the valley  __in the valley __
In the valley  __in the valley __
In valley
Out of the valley
Amen, amen, amen

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